Hi I am Rayleigh!

Early Life

I was born in July 8th 2010 in the city of Jakarta. My parents were from Medan,Siantar. my early life were all innocent and fun...until when i was 4 years old my sister hit me with a club really hard it bled.

Kindergarten to Primary

During my kindergarten times, I made a lot of friends, although I only remembered 1 one of them from the kindergarten and unlike others I was not sent to the school my other friends were, but instead where my sister stayed at, SIS PIK.

The Start of Pandemic

During grade 4, a virus came out called "Covid 19" which took a toll on the whole school. We had to be quarantined and It affected our social skills, mentality and our behaviour. Although for me, I loved it due to being introverted that time, sneaking and playing games in between classes were so easy. This happened until grade 6 until...

The Big Change

During grade 7 I was changed from SIS to BTB, which scared me. We all went offline and sat down. Little did I know, grade 7 was definitely the funniest, craziest and hilarious grade from all the grades. I made many new friends, got very social to them and the ending of grade 7 kinda made me sad, but I know that time will keep going and grade 8 will happen.

Grade 8

Currently grade 8 is good, I made more friends but I still do not know how things will continue further on.

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